A small introduction

About Us

We are a non-profit organization also known as the Campbellton Business Improvement Corporation (BIA), dedicated to sustaining and encouraging growth and development in the downtown district of Campbellton. Our mission is to continue to promote, develop and enhance the downtown and surrounding areas through community and economic development.


Businesses in our BIA


People reached by advertising campaigns for our members

29 Years

Promoting, Developing and Enhancing the BIA

100% Dedicated

To economic growth in the BIA

What is a BIA?

A Business Improvement Area (BIA) is a geographically defined urban area which contains primarily non-residential properties. The BIA concept provides a framework for organized business communities to cooperatively design and manage; promotional campaigns, beautification and upgrading programs and various other revitalization initiatives.

What does the BIA do?


Types of projects include such things as:

  • Sidewalk and curb beautification
  • Small municipal parks
  • Pedestrian amenities, signage and landscaping


Types of projects include such things as:

  • Media advertising
  • Special events
  • Signage and billboards
  • Special sales

Economic Development

Some of the areas where the BIA can improve the development climate include:

  • Developing plans for future growth in the BIA.
  • Preparing and implementing a marketing strategy aimed at recruiting new businesses for the BIA

Our Mission

Continue to promote, develop and enhance the downtown and surrounding areas through community and economic development!


The BIA can work with its members to encourage improvement to their properties as well as to improve business practices and merchandising methods.

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